FootballManager 2010 Coach Calculator

Find out the exact number of stars for any given workout.

See the total values ​​of strength training, aerobics porters, etc., as well as the number of stars. (I have no idea if a coach, for example, 239 in the attack (4 stars) actually your players better than the other coach with 210 in the attack 4 stars too.

The calculator does the ability of the coach all the different categories of training (with percentages instead of stars) and tells you what is best.

You can enter the attributes a coach with the mouse or type numbers only.

Operating system: Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
Archives: FM10 calculator.exe coach, readme.nfo, Readme.txt

Instructions: Just unzip 'FM10 calculator.exe coach "and run it.Technique: If you have any problems with the program, the Adobe Flash Player:

download: Link

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